

Your feedback is kept confidential and no one other than the person you have given the feedback can see them. Your feedback is end-to-end encrypted and no one else at your company or FeedbackSpeaks can view your feedback.

Please ensure that you are entering the correct email ID and password. The system shall show a green right tick for the correct email. A pop-up will show an Invalid Login or Password if either is incorrect. Please click on the support button if this does not solve your issue.

The system is designed to take one comment from the feedback receiver and then one comment from the feedback giver. Comments cannot be added after one comment each is given on the feedback. Please check the number of feedbacks given.

Click on the Feedback tab on the left menu and then on the received button to view all received feedback.

Please check the drafts tab to ensure that the feedback has been sent and is not saved as a draft. Also check the feedback given tab to see if the feedback has received by the user. If the user cannot see the feedback despite this, please contact support.

Open the menu and go to the Dialogues Tab> Click on New Dialogue>Enter the user ID of the person you want to schedule a dialogue with > Select a date and duration > Enter an Agenda> Click on Submit.

Currently you can only send one feedback at a time. You can however send multiple feedbacks to the same person. There are no limits on the no. of feedback you can send in a day.

The drafts are saved until you delete them. The drafts can be used anytime in the future to send feedback to the selected user.

Yes, you can give feedback without a feedback request.

Yes, you can select multiple competencies for each feedback. You can use the dropdown menu under the Competency heading to select a value/competency. Once the value selected appears in blue in the selection bar you can add another from the dropdown menu. You can click on the cross button beside a selected competency to remove it from the selection.

You will receive emails from hello@feedbackspeaks that inform you about the feedback, dialogues, and requests you have received. You can see notifications in the app using the bell icon. It shows you the total number of notifications along with a preview.

© 2022 Feedback Speaks.

Copyrighted NHR Technologies 2021